How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

How To Improve Self-Esteem Quickly And Easily

By Ollie M. Buhr

How to improve self-esteem quickly, easily and effectively is now achievable. What do you suppose you can do that within minutes will raise your-self esteem? The answer may surprise you.Exercise is great way to lose weight and get fit, but did you know that exercise can also make you happier, help you handle stress better, reduce anxiety and raise your self-esteem? When you exercise, your pituitary gland releases endorphins, the hormones that make you feel good. Research has been done on the effectiveness of endorphins, and the results show that endorphins are just as effective as anti-depressants when it comes to making you feel good.

Recognize Your Insecurities.We all have our own flaws and insecurities since nobody is perfect. There is no need to worry for something that you cannot fix yourself or a past negative experience. Things happen in life and you have to accept that there is no way to go back and fix things up. So if you feel ashamed of anything you did or that happened in your life you will most likely not get over this completely but over time you may gradually. Talk to yourself or anyone you trust and love a lot about it. You need to get rid of things that make you feel bad. Learning to accept by recognizing your insecurities can help you grow stronger and building more confidence.

For example, try brisk walking in a park, one that is full of exciting plants and flowers, lakes and ducks, or running on a treadmill looking out of the window onto a panoramic view of a luscious landscape, perhaps cycling on a path leading to a relaxing picnic area or a nursery, or join an exercise class like yoga or Pilates and meet people along the way. Experiment and find out what exercise routine excites you.

Some of those efforts may involve:Taking a leadership positions in another organization.Find a mentor in your niche.Hire a coach that has a track record of success in your market place.Join a mastermind group that has been meeting regular for over 1 year.Take a speech class to work on improving your presentation communication skills and overcome a common fear which will help to increase your self confidence.Also, Be mindful of the information your reading, listening to, studying. Be aware of bad news but use logic when addressing it. Try not to waste too much valuable time getting distracted surfing the web or watching videos on YouTube.

You should not feel ashamed of or insecure because of your past or current circumstances when it comes to improve self confidence. Be positive, get a good hobby, and talk yourself up to feel confident. Always try to stay focused on your positives to get rid of low self confidence and esteem.One of the questions psychologists and counselors of all kinds find themselves having to deal with rather frequently nowadays is the question on how to improve self esteem. Majority of the people who pose this question tend to be those who have come to the conclusion that most of the unhappiness in their lives is attributable to low self esteem. They therefore seek to know how they can improve their self-esteem, and hence overcome the unhappiness in their lives brought about by low self esteem -- conversely increasing the happiness in their lives.The relationship between low self esteem and unhappiness.The presumption that at least some unhappiness is brought about by low self esteem is one we have to deal with, before proceeding with this discussion on how to improve self esteem and increase one's happiness. We first of all need to deal with the question as to whether, indeed, it is true that some unhappiness is brought about by low self esteem. Whilst most people have already accepted it (that some unhappiness is brought about by low self esteem) as a statement of fact, there are those who opt to contest it. But given the fact that this is not really a discussion on the relationship between low self esteem and unhappiness, we won't dwell too much on that question.

Suffice it to say that, indeed (and incontestably), a great deal of unhappiness in our lives is caused by our worry as to 'what others will think of us.' Suffice it also to say that this worry (about others' perceptions of us) tends to be inversely related to our self esteem. That is to say, the lower our self esteem, the greater this worry about others' perceptions of us tends to be. Conversely, the higher our levels of self esteem, the lower/less our worry about others' perceptions of us.How higher self esteem leads to more happiness.Now, just think about it: how greater would your happiness be (than it is currently) if you didn't worry too much about others' perception of you - like what others will think about you, what others will say about you... and so on? If you answer that question honestly, you'll see how working to improve self esteem can result in enhanced happiness.

Have a realistic assessment of life's problems. So you can find appropriate solutions to your problems, you have to evaluate them realistically. For example, traffic and a bad hair day won't become problems if you don't evaluate them as such. Difficulties, problems and obstacles will always be a part of life. So you need to learn to accept the fact that life is and will never be perfect. If you are able to see things in a realistic perspective, you will be able to face problems and challenges more effectively.

The ultimate key to improved self esteem.So, if having high self esteem can be so beneficial, many people ask, how can they go about improving their self esteem levels? And that is where we come to learn that there is one (ultimate) way in which you can change your thinking patterns - and hence increase your happiness.The ultimate way in which you can improve self esteem and increase your happiness is by simply by starting to treat yourself as a 'dear friend.' Self esteem is basically a question of the relationship you have with yourself. If you don't respect yourself, if you are perpetually criticizing yourself (mentally), if you don't take proper care of yourself, it is hard to have high self esteem. Start treating yourself as a dear friend in every way, in every moment. That's the key point, the rest are details! We venture to look at those 'details' now.

Stop putting yourself down. If you keep on criticizing and pulling yourself down, you will never develop a healthy level of self esteem. Instead, repeat positive affirmations. Positive affirmations allow you to experience positive and motivating feelings. Whether speaking about how you look, your career or your finances, avoid deprecating yourself, or running yourself down. Remember that you ought to be your number one. Love and appreciate yourself, so others could do so as well!

Do something! You will not develop high self-esteem if you sit on the sidelines and back away from obstacles. Taking action will make you feel better about yourself, regardless if you succeed or fail. If you let your fear and anxiety hold you back from taking action, you will end up feeling frustrated, sad and discontented with yourself.

Learn to forgive yourself when you don't accomplish all that you set out to. All of us falls short sometimes, but rather than focusing on the negative aspects, learn to adjust your goals so that you have a better chance of meeting them. Almost any negative experience can be turned into a positive experience with the right mindset.Most people do not see just how potentially damaging low self esteem can be. Thankfully, our self esteem is not permanent--we can always work on improving it for the better. I hope these simple suggestions on how to improve self esteem has helped you in some way.

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