How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

Here is a one day menu for all week. At first glance it is very boring to use 
the same menu for the whole week, but believe me, after first results it will 
become your favourite menu.
How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

The 5 Best Motivational Books That Will Change Your Life

By Joury Farah

Modeling With NLP.This is a great book that changes minds. It is about the connection between the words we speak and our way of world perception. As soon as I have read this book I felt like I'm the God or like I can do just anything I want. This book describes easy but powerful techniques of reframing your mind. For real. I thought I became a magician or something. Anything is possible.The Wheel Of Time: The Shamans Of Mexico Their Thoughts About Life Death And The Universe.This small book made a great impact on me. It is a collection of the essential ideas of other Carlos Castaneda's books. I first read it when I was 6000 miles away from home and it changed me forever. It totally put me upside down changing my beliefs about people, our world and the universe.

Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai.This book was written by one real samurai from Japan and is a collection of laws that real samurais should follow. The depth and the philosophy of these laws really astonish.Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time.Keith Ferrazzi is a great person who wrote a book about his philosophy of connecting people with one another. He has got a website and a big community of followers. Keith helps people and never refuses to to do it. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me.

The story is of a young shepherd boy named Santiago who goes on an exciting adventure to reach his dreams. The book is riddled with philosophies and talks about the importance of understanding your personal legend.The Third Best Motivational Book: The Happiness Project.This book's real title is The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun. Written by Gretchen Rubin, this is possibly one of the easiest and fun reads in the list.

While it is indeed one of the most inspiring books I've come across recently, it is never preachy as some books often become. Reading Rubin's work is like reading the adventures of a good friend - funny, down-to-earth and downright inspiring.The Fourth Best Motivational Book: Winning.One of the greatest books when it comes to management is Jack Welch's Winning. Hype can sometimes make a book seem more successful than it really is, but Winning (co-written by wife Suzy Welch) is truly deserving of all its accolades.In this book, the inspirational CEO talks about making the work environment more positive and how to be the best person you can be at work, among others. Packed with a lot of lessons in management, this book is worth every cent you pay.

The most motivating thing about this book is that each man, woman, and child is a flesh and blood human - just like you and me. They weren't born any more or any less special than we were. The majority of them weren't born with any sort of advantage at all. They created their advantages. You read these incredible stories and you're left with the realization that you can accomplish whatever you want as well. The surge of motivation and inspiration is phenomenal! In addition to being a wife, mother (3 daughters, 4 cats), avid cook, web publisher, web designer, writer, and movie watching addict, I love to read. I try to work in as many books into my week as possible - which means I generally read one, then move on to the next. However, with One Can Make a Difference, I broke with tradition. I have read this book three times. If one isn't inspired to change the way they look at the world and the way they think about life after reading this book, they'll never be inspired to do anything.

This book would make a beautiful Christmas gift, birthday gift, or graduation present. As Galileo once said, "You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself." That is precisely what this book gives to its reader.I've tried it all the tricks in the book to lose weight and get healthy. I've done Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, and even the Subway diet. Somehow, none of these diets worked for me until I found out about the Paleo diet or more specifically the Paleo Recipe Book.This diet is like nothing else I have ever done before and if I had not tried all the other tricks and gimmicks out there to get healthy, I probably never would have considered the Paleo lifestyle. Let me save you some hard ache and tell you that this recipe book will legitimately change your life or at the very least your eating habits.The Paleo diet is the sole idea that in order to be happy and healthy, you must look at what you're consuming on a daily bases. Let's take a look at your diet, are there any natural foods in your daily regimen? Now, by natural I don't mean green beans from a can or a strawberry flavored smoothie from McDonald's. I mean natural as in pure, fresh, and raw foods that are not processed and good for you.

The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz: Maintaining a sense of authenticity and integrity is developed through understanding 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz. We are bombarded with rules and regulations; don't do this, don't do that, watch what you are doing, be kind, loyal, faithful etc. etc. The four agreements represent a simple system of maintaining your own inner authority while practising being an authentic person with other people.

You're probably thinking, damn, this seems almost to good to be true! Let me give you a straight and simple answer, this is real and it is just that simple. I have been able to eat the same great foods that I ate before and now I don't have even the smallest feeling of guilt. By taking out the unnecessary harmful preservatives, trans-fats, and sugars, I have been able to live a much healthier lifestyle then before I started the Paleo diet.

Slowing down to the Speed of Life, Richard Carlson and Joseph Bailey This is a new one in my 'bedside collection' and one that has made the biggest impact on me lately. Written in 1997 it is even more relevant today than it was when it was written. The idea of 'slowing down' to get there faster has been a paradox of my life that has been extremely hard for me to understand.As a human species we seem to enjoy moving fast and expecting quick results, especially from ourselves. I should be successful NOW, I should be slim NOW, get me to my destination NOW - as opposed to 'in the fullness of time' when I am ready. These are new ideas for me but ones that are finally taking hold.So where does this leave you? The way I see it is if you want to 'Heal Your Life' then you had better learn how to play 'The Game of Life' by learning how to 'Slow down to the Speed of Life' and keep the 'Four Agreements.' The solution may not be easy to do but it is simple. That is the paradox of life; most solutions are pretty simple, it is us humans that want to complicate it.

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