How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

Understanding The Laws Of Success - Law Of The Farm

By Gerda J. Worth

School is definitely one of the very first places where you get to experience how the law of success works. After all, in order to succeed in school, you really do have to take certain actions and maintain a certain attitude. For those who are still in school or are planning to go back, here then are some tips on using the success law to your advantage:Succeed in School through Studying.Yes, this sounds absolutely silly judging by how obvious it is, but it really does bear repeating: if you want to make it to the top of your class, you have to study AND study hard. The law of success truly rewards good old fashioned hard work and discipline, so don't try to skirt those nights when you really need to hit the books. And remember that studying isn't just about reading and memorizing. It's about understanding what you've been reading and memorizing. Exercise your brain as you read and you'll be able to recall essential details for class and exams much easier.

Seek God first, writes Paramahansa Yogananda in his succinct (24 pages) "The Law of Success". Confirm contact, then align yourself with divine will. If it be divine will all things - wisdom, abundance, health - will be bestowed upon you. Your task in life is to discern and act in accordance with God's will. Doing so invariable leads to success.Paramahansa Yogananda, an Indian yogi, lived his last 30 years in the United States. He possessed an uncanny ability to adapt and merge the ancient principles of his profound Hindu faith with modern American Christianity. Exhibiting a quick wit and jubilant spirit he reconciled truths for countless seekers to achieve self-realization.Every person possesses and is wholly responsible for two powers: thought and will. Applying those powers correctly is the key to creating a fulfilling, successful life."Will power is the spring of all your actions." Action is the energizing of will and thought. You can control your destiny through your thoughts. As success must serve, that is advance life, you must discipline your habits of thought to constructive purposes. Ultimately your objective must be to tune your intentions and your thoughts to the will of God.

"Fear exhausts life energy." To overcome fear and every other obstacle with courage and faith, keep your consciousness on God. Meditate, pray, focus. These are the means to reinforce the habits of success. If you fail, redouble your efforts. Analyze what went wrong, but always try once more. Never quit. Transfer your attention from failure to success and you will grow.See the image and likeness of God in all people. When you intend to condemn or criticize others turn inward and examine yourself. "Habits of thought control one's life." Form right habits as good habits nourish spiritual aspirations and set you free.Maintain a consciousness of abundance. All power lies with the divine will, all spiritual and material gifts flow from that boundless source. Eradicate thoughts of limitation and poverty.

Succeed in School through Recitation.You don't have to be a know-it-all to be great at recitation during class. While a lot of people sound like they're just showing off when they stand up and speak in the middle of a lecture, that's just one way of reciting. One great way to recite and use the law of success quite subtly is to ask more questions, rather than be the first one to blurt out the correct answer in an attempt to aggrandize yourself. Show to your teachers that you are genuinely curious about the lesson, and that you trust them to teach you more. This will definitely get you on their good side, and when grading comes at the end of the year, they'll remember you as the highly inquisitive one.

Harvesting at the Right Time.The farmer needs to gather in the crop when the time is right. He cannot do it too early, or the crop will not be useful; he cannot do it too late, or the crop will destroy itself in the field. A person working towards success needs to realize when the opportunities arise so that the efforts planted can be realized at the right time. Hesitation can cause the opportunity to rot away; the attempt to reach the absolute maximum can cause the right time to slip by. Act when your subconscious says to act; by listening to the small voice within you, you will know when the harvest time has occurred. The farmer doesn't wait until the absolute peak ripeness occurs; he harvests the crop just before then, so that the ripeness will occur when the harvest is delivered. So, too, a person needs to act just before the maximum results, so that the results can mature during the act of harvesting. Particularly when it comes to investments, it is better to get 95% of the profit by acting early than to get 80% of the profit by acting too late.

The law of success is not just for people starting up a business or trying to make their way up the corporate ladder. It can definitely be used to help anyone succeed in school, which is certainly very important in the shaping of a person's future. So, if you're still studying or plan to return to your studies, make sure to take the law into consideration.

Your definite chief aim must be written down and committed to memory. It must be written down on a daily basis and placed where you can review it at least once a day. The mind works as such that we act in harmony with our dominating thoughts. The stronger we feel about those thoughts, the more our behavior lines up. It is amazing that when we think about not spilling the hot coffee, we always seem to get second degree burns. One key thing that must occur when you write down your goals and dreams is that it must be handwritten to achieve the desired effect. The effect of the written words and the mind is very powerful. Those words are committed to memory and recalled faster when a simple composition pad and pen is used.

This powerful interaction between words and mind is lost when you type them into the computer or the latest iPhone. A good typist can type sentences without having to look at the keyboard. It is next to impossible to write on a pad without actually reading the words. It is the natural cause and effect of writing; you have to look at what you are writing. It is one of the few things in life that we can't do without active thinking. There are certain things that we perform without thinking, especially when we are on autopilot. When is the last time you got home from work and had no clue which route you took to get there. When we get into our car, it is like the car has a mind of its own. It is imperative that a book and pen is used to record and review your goals and dreams.

We are given the desire and the tools to create. But due to our lack of wisdom, we don't have access to the knowledge of how to do it. Hence, we should first learn and practice, then we will find a way to work in harmony with the Laws.The skills taught in the Law of Obedience program include:-Learn how to bring things into alignment by differentiating between Nature vs Normal.Discover a 2-minute fix of how not to violate this Law.Understand why the big problems that you face may be a good thing for you.The Law Of Success.In whatever you do, you will get a result. Whether it's a good or a bad result, it is still a result. And that is called a "success". But it may not be a success you want, if you do things poorly, do unhealthy things, do things that make you poor, do things that lack quality.The Law of Success says do not blame others - how your life has turned out is because you have successfully attracted it through your responses, the choices you make and the actions you take. Be careful what you ask for - because you will get it.

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