Creative visualization is a valuable tool to create change in our lives... solve problems... and attract whatever we can imagine. Everything begins as a thought. Visualization adds energy and power to those thoughts, creating a mental mold of the results we wish to experience in our reality.
Are you curious about it? Read on. Enlisted below are several creative visualization techniques that you can follow and make that dream come true, as well! When thinking of something you want to have, be sure that it is a reachable goal. You will never reach it if it involves something really impossible, right? Impossible can mean things that do not really happen in real life, like being an individual with the superhuman strength of X-Men and aliens. Make specific goals that you know you can have in time.
Here comes the good part. Right now I want you to grab a pen and paper. Identify one area in your life that you want to improve significantly. Take the time to write out specifically what you want to achieve and have in that area of your life. Describe it vividly and with clarity. Read the vivid description of your desired results a few times. Now find somewhere to get really comfortable. A good recliner or couch would work perfectly. Close your outer eyes and tilt your head slightly upward about 20 degrees.
Enter the theatre of your mind and look upon the stage of your imagination. Begin to see yourself living the desired result and then step into your vision as if you are literally there. Engage as many of the senses as possible. If it's a new car you want imagine how you would look in it. How does the new leather smell? Feel the notches on the steering wheel. Do this for a few minutes, especially before you go to sleep at night. Once you get in the routine of doing this consistently you will begin to ACT in alignment with your vision and the manifestation will happen.
They say that if you have the power to think of it, you can have it! That saying is actually true. That is creative visualization. It is when you think of something and it actually comes true. No, you are not required to have that superpower strength to enable that kind of magic in yourself. You just need to believe that something will come true; work towards that goal; and it with the help of perseverance, it usually happens.
Draw it out. Is your goal something that you can picture visually? If so, get a picture of what your goal looks like. If it's a car, get a picture of the exact car, or draw it as best you can. If your goal is to break through your fear and deliver a great speech, picture yourself on stage presenting to an attentive and appreciative audience. It doesn't matter if you're artistically challenged like me -- no one else is going to see your drawing. It's simply another way to convey your deepest desire to the universe.
The problem, I believe, is that there is a tendency to feel that there is a "proper" way to do creative visualization -as if there was some test to pass, or that it's a kind of secret known only to a cult type brotherhood. Nothing, I'm delighted to tell you, could be further from the truth!
Revisit your visualization often. That's a biggie. Repeat it. Refine it as you go. And you will reap the delicious rewards. Repetition is the secret to empowering your visualization and giving it wings.It takes a consistent effort to achieve anything worthwhile. Some goals will come faster than others. But know in your heart that this process of creative visualization will work for you One of the most important steps to effective creative visualization is to continue to hold the vision of a single objective relentlessly.Do it often and you'll make creative visualization work for you automatically
Are you curious about it? Read on. Enlisted below are several creative visualization techniques that you can follow and make that dream come true, as well! When thinking of something you want to have, be sure that it is a reachable goal. You will never reach it if it involves something really impossible, right? Impossible can mean things that do not really happen in real life, like being an individual with the superhuman strength of X-Men and aliens. Make specific goals that you know you can have in time.
Here comes the good part. Right now I want you to grab a pen and paper. Identify one area in your life that you want to improve significantly. Take the time to write out specifically what you want to achieve and have in that area of your life. Describe it vividly and with clarity. Read the vivid description of your desired results a few times. Now find somewhere to get really comfortable. A good recliner or couch would work perfectly. Close your outer eyes and tilt your head slightly upward about 20 degrees.
Enter the theatre of your mind and look upon the stage of your imagination. Begin to see yourself living the desired result and then step into your vision as if you are literally there. Engage as many of the senses as possible. If it's a new car you want imagine how you would look in it. How does the new leather smell? Feel the notches on the steering wheel. Do this for a few minutes, especially before you go to sleep at night. Once you get in the routine of doing this consistently you will begin to ACT in alignment with your vision and the manifestation will happen.
They say that if you have the power to think of it, you can have it! That saying is actually true. That is creative visualization. It is when you think of something and it actually comes true. No, you are not required to have that superpower strength to enable that kind of magic in yourself. You just need to believe that something will come true; work towards that goal; and it with the help of perseverance, it usually happens.
Draw it out. Is your goal something that you can picture visually? If so, get a picture of what your goal looks like. If it's a car, get a picture of the exact car, or draw it as best you can. If your goal is to break through your fear and deliver a great speech, picture yourself on stage presenting to an attentive and appreciative audience. It doesn't matter if you're artistically challenged like me -- no one else is going to see your drawing. It's simply another way to convey your deepest desire to the universe.
The problem, I believe, is that there is a tendency to feel that there is a "proper" way to do creative visualization -as if there was some test to pass, or that it's a kind of secret known only to a cult type brotherhood. Nothing, I'm delighted to tell you, could be further from the truth!
Revisit your visualization often. That's a biggie. Repeat it. Refine it as you go. And you will reap the delicious rewards. Repetition is the secret to empowering your visualization and giving it wings.It takes a consistent effort to achieve anything worthwhile. Some goals will come faster than others. But know in your heart that this process of creative visualization will work for you One of the most important steps to effective creative visualization is to continue to hold the vision of a single objective relentlessly.Do it often and you'll make creative visualization work for you automatically
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Get complete details about Creative Visualization and How To Build Self Confidence ,now.
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