How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

Here is a one day menu for all week. At first glance it is very boring to use 
the same menu for the whole week, but believe me, after first results it will 
become your favourite menu.
How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

Gathering Doomsday Prepping Gear Now

By Sally Delacruz

Sever weather, natural disaster, foreign threat, or a complete break down in civilization are things that a lot of people are worried about. You may also be concerned but do not know what to do about it. Think about gathering doomsday prepping gear now. Then you can rest easier knowing you are ready.

Many believe food and water is the first thing to stock up on but actually finding reasonable shelter is the most important. The perfect place would be somewhere you have access to well water or non-stagnant water. Being able to plant crops and care for livestock is also ideal. Once you have the proper shelter, everything else will fall in place.

Stock up on food and water. There are plenty of sources for purchasing freeze dried and dehydrated foods. But also include store bought and home canned items. Add cooking oils and spices to your list. In addition keep in mind some allergies develop after eating a specific food repeatedly so balance the types of food you put up. One more note is to also include foods that can lift a person's spirits. Candy can keep a child or adult happy when everything gets to be too much.

Weapons to protect yourself and your group may not be something you want to think about but it may be what saves your food supply from looters or wild animals. Security is most important. Make certain everyone in your group can assess and prevent threats if possible. Then have everyone trained in using their weapons.

Your first aide kit should resemble a miniature medical kit. In addition to bandages and aspirin, have pain medication and antibiotics. Sun screen is also handy. Have cough medicine and medication for diarrhea. Include a first aide manual.

Something that is often overlooked is having barter goods on hand. These can be candy, soap, blankets, books, or extra batteries. You may need to trade one of these for extra medicine, food, or water. Think of things you would want or what people in your area will want.

Just because you might live in an apartment in the city does not mean it is hopeless. Get together with some neighbors you trust and have a combined stash put together. Have enough for every one in the group to last at least seven to ten days.

For urbanites, have at least seven to seventeen days worth of water and food ready. Choose items that are not dependent on electricity. Have large garbage bags for use as portable toilets, proper hygiene will prevent spread of diseases and infections. You need to also have a well stocked first aid kit plus something to barter with. Most important, have an evacuation plan in place and know where you can go to be safe.

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