How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

A Brief Overview Of The Internal Martial Arts And How They Differ From External Approaches

By Imelda Reid

There are no exact definitions as to what internal and external martial arts actually are, but in essence, external schools are based on the virtues of muscular power and combat skills. Depending on the particular school, they emphasize speed, skill, kicking, striking and grappling. Internal martial arts by contrast, although they may include these elements, place more emphasis on mental, emotional and spiritual development.

This is reflected in softer, more relaxed, fluid movements and quiet power. This low-key approach should not however distract from their very real utility as fighting and self-defense techniques. The controlled, gracious movements of the internal practitioner can be powerful and deadly.

In fact, the internal approaches all acknowledge the need for muscular strength, resilience and endurance. Most incorporate exercises to stretch and strengthen muscles, and many practice hand-to-hand combat drills, weapons training and other fighting skills. The goal however, is for physical prowess to be aligned harmoniously with body, mind and spirit.

These hard skills combined with inner control can give internal practitioners a distinct advantage over their more aggressive external brethren. It's an inner poise that in large part comes from their development of qi. Qi, according to Chinese tradition, is the invisible life-force that animates all living things. It is the source of physical vitality and internal martial artists work to raise their qi and direct it around their bodies at will.

The overall goal of qi development and other internal exercises is to strengthen the body from within. This supports robust health and the ability to execute techniques with greater poise and skill. Healthy, physically strong practitioners can strike harder and more skillfully, and also better withstand opponents strikes. Optimum health also means these skills and capacities can be maintained well into one's 'retirement' years. Master practitioners remain formidable well into their 70's and 80's.

One of the main ways that qi is developed is through breath work. It is generated and manipulated through specialized deep breathing techniques and involves re-training students to breathe from the abdomen. This can be challenging since most people habitually breathe shallowly and from the upper chest. However, once learned, students can begin to increase their qi and become attuned to its presence in their bodies.

This sensitivity enables them to detect where qi may be blocked or where more or less may be needed. If imbalances are detected, they can be by alleviated by directing the qi appropriately. Deep breathing also enables practitioners to increase their oxygen intake. This helps boost the immediate energy needed for physical challenges, but it also supports overall health.

It's this health aspect that is appealing to many people in the US, especially in health-conscious states like California. Internal approaches like Qigong have become hugely popular as a way to optimum health and vitality. They are also popular with those who seek greater peace of mind. Just a few weeks of regular practice is enough for many students to notice a difference in their mental and physical well-being. Longer-term practice enables these changes to become profound and life-changing.

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