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Does Marriage Counseling Santa Rosa Work

By Kenneth Williams

When a couple gets married the first thing, the feel is exciting, hopeful, and ready to start their life together. The unfortunate reality is that most marriages will face hardships that test their commitments and ability to work through their differences. Sadly, nearly half of the marriages end in divorce every year. This doesn't have to be your fate? There are many ways to avoid the breakup of your marriage, even strengthen it. One common solution that many married couples try is marriage or relationship counseling santa rosa.

Pre Marriage Therapy: The Dilemma- It is a sad fact that over half of the marriages in America end in divorce. It has been proven that an effective Christian pre marriage therapy program can assist the couple in beating the odds and maintaining a healthy and spiritually-alive relationship. Before the wedding ceremony, taking part in a quality Christian pre marriage therapy session has meant the difference between success and divorce for many couples.

Billions of married couples have tried their luck at matrimony therapy. Some have succeeded, and some have failed. If you can go into this with a positive attitude and true desire to restore your matrimony, you can become another therapy success story. So, before wondering to yourself, "Does matrimony therapy work?", ask yourself if you want to give it a try.

Pre Marriage Therapy: Faith Based Assistance- Even though it is called faith-based assistance, that doesn't necessarily mean that the administrator is a pastor or other religious leader. In the last 20 to 30 years, there has been a huge increase in the number of highly qualified Christian counselors that offer their services to the faith-based community. These counselors are well-trained and administer effective procedures that are designed to stir communication and effectively eliminate major conflicts before they happen.

If you can see yourself becoming romantically involved with your spouse once again and sharing the love that you both had for one another when you first got together, matrimony therapy may be your best option. You must remain open to new possibilities between the two of you and quite possibly view your partner in a completely new light.

Other common marriage counseling questions revolve around children. Does the couple in therapy have children? If so, how do the parents handle the situation with their kids? These issues must come up if children are part of the family because the welfare of the children is a top priority.

Having said that, secular methods are very effective in dealing with such problems as feelings of distance from their mate, lack of communication, intimacy issues, anger, and many other difficulties. To get the most effective treatment, a blending of faith and secular strategies will prove to be the most effective.

The benefits of seeking marriage therapy are if the couple has reached a point of potential separation, the use of seeking a qualified counselor can save your marriage. Through working on issues that have been difficult to work on alone, the counselor can help bring added clarity and potentially resolution to create a stronger, happier marriage. It is important to consider it if your marriage may be heading in that direction so that you may prevent the inevitable.

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