Features are common for every place of worship, but others are unique. When referring to a temple, the name does not point to the specific building. It points out to those people who make up the building. All the functions that are carried out there are the features which the congregation has. When considering a certain chapel such as Tempe united church of Christ, you will find the following explained things about it.
Believe in eternal life. This is life after death. There is the belief that Jesus resurrected and went to prepare this place for those who will follow his footsteps by doing the right thing. Believers, therefore, take their whole life in trying to do as Jesus did so that they can enter this kingdom. One of the things which distinguish this congregation is this strong faith in the inheritance of everlasting life and happiness.
Jesus as the son of God. Christians just as the word dictates are the followers of Christ. Christians believe that Jesus died for their sin. Therefore, they pray to the creator through him. They believe that the blood that was shed on the cross by this son acted as a way to cleanse their sins. Their sins are forgiven, and hence, Jesus is their belief to this.
Follow the Bible. This book contains all the guidelines of the life of a believer. All that is contained there is meant to guide one into eternal life. It mainly has those actions which were there before and after the birth of Jesus. They were followed by Israelites and are also to be followed by the believers in the temple. It dictates all what guides the life of a believer, what to and what not to do.
Evangelism as a role. This is the spread of the word to the people both those who are Christians and who are not Christians. These people hold up crusades and missions which are meant to make the word of God known. This is a way which is intended to win more souls to salvation. During Sunday services, the preaching is also done as a way of spreading the good news to believers and those who do not believe.
The church helps the needy and the less fortunate in the society. The chapel congregation like sharing their possessions with those who lack among them and outside the congregation. As both a commandment and a willingness, it fulfills what was commanded to them. It also ensures that they set a pace and become role models in the society. It also acts as an attraction to those who do not believe to be believers.
Discipleship as a characteristic. The past disciples of Jesus acted in the steps of Jesus. All the roles they played are believed to guide the Christians of the united church of Christ in their daily operations. One of the roles of the past disciples were helping the needy and evangelism in a bid to deliver people from sin. This is what they mainly do.
Holy day. One day in a week that is Sunday is dedicated to serving God. They go to church to offer offertories and tithes, to pray, worship and praise. This way, the congregation fulfills the commandment of keeping the Sabbath holy.
Believe in eternal life. This is life after death. There is the belief that Jesus resurrected and went to prepare this place for those who will follow his footsteps by doing the right thing. Believers, therefore, take their whole life in trying to do as Jesus did so that they can enter this kingdom. One of the things which distinguish this congregation is this strong faith in the inheritance of everlasting life and happiness.
Jesus as the son of God. Christians just as the word dictates are the followers of Christ. Christians believe that Jesus died for their sin. Therefore, they pray to the creator through him. They believe that the blood that was shed on the cross by this son acted as a way to cleanse their sins. Their sins are forgiven, and hence, Jesus is their belief to this.
Follow the Bible. This book contains all the guidelines of the life of a believer. All that is contained there is meant to guide one into eternal life. It mainly has those actions which were there before and after the birth of Jesus. They were followed by Israelites and are also to be followed by the believers in the temple. It dictates all what guides the life of a believer, what to and what not to do.
Evangelism as a role. This is the spread of the word to the people both those who are Christians and who are not Christians. These people hold up crusades and missions which are meant to make the word of God known. This is a way which is intended to win more souls to salvation. During Sunday services, the preaching is also done as a way of spreading the good news to believers and those who do not believe.
The church helps the needy and the less fortunate in the society. The chapel congregation like sharing their possessions with those who lack among them and outside the congregation. As both a commandment and a willingness, it fulfills what was commanded to them. It also ensures that they set a pace and become role models in the society. It also acts as an attraction to those who do not believe to be believers.
Discipleship as a characteristic. The past disciples of Jesus acted in the steps of Jesus. All the roles they played are believed to guide the Christians of the united church of Christ in their daily operations. One of the roles of the past disciples were helping the needy and evangelism in a bid to deliver people from sin. This is what they mainly do.
Holy day. One day in a week that is Sunday is dedicated to serving God. They go to church to offer offertories and tithes, to pray, worship and praise. This way, the congregation fulfills the commandment of keeping the Sabbath holy.
About the Author:
If you are looking for the facts about Tempe United Church of Christ, come to our web pages today. More details are available at http://www.desertpalmucc.org/who-we-are/what-we-believe now.
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