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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

A Mental Health Counselor Omaha NE Offers Can Help You Deal With Stress

By Patrick Hill

Contrary to popular belief, people with major depression and generalized anxiety disorder are not the only ones who should seek professional help. So many other individuals can actually benefit from doing that, too. If your everyday life is a stressful one, you may consider stepping foot inside the office of a mental health counselor Omaha NE is providing. Such is a good idea most especially if stress is already affecting you in all kinds of unfavorable ways.

Occasional stress, according to doctors, can actually help you become a more productive member of the society. It comes with some benefits, in other words. However, being constantly stressed is a completely different story. Experts refer to this as long term stress, and it associated with various health complications.

For instance, being stressed all the time can lead to high blood pressure. Also sometimes referred to as hypertension, high blood pressure is something that can damage the eyes, kidneys and other organs especially if it's left uncontrolled. More importantly, it is regarded as a risk factor for heart disease. Considered as the leading cause of deaths all over the planet, heart disease can considerably increase a person's risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.

Also helping to increase your chance of encountering a heart attack or stroke one day is the fact that being stressed all the time can cause an elevation in cholesterol. Having high levels of cholesterol in the blood can cause arterial clogging. When that happens, the heart muscle and brain tissue can be deprived of all the vital oxygen they need.

Being stressed for a long time, according to doctors, can also lead to what's known as insulin resistance. This causes the cells to no longer respond to insulin, a type of hormone. Such keeps sugar molecules from entering the cells, causing them to accumulate in the bloodstream instead. Having elevated blood sugar levels is not a good thing because it can put you at risk of diabetes. Once you are diagnosed with diabetes, you have no choice but to try to control it for the rest of your life since there is no known treatment for it.

Experiencing stress all the time can also cause weight gain, too. A reason for this is it can result in stress eating. This makes you crave lots of sugary and fatty foods for the sake of attaining comfort. What's more, stress can cause accumulation of fat tissue most especially in the abdomen.

In order to fend off all kinds of health nightmares, it's a must for you to deal with long term stress. You can choose from an array of stress relieving pursuits such as getting a massage, taking a relaxing bath or writing in a diary. Sadly, sometimes they may fail to deliver results.

Seeing a therapist is a good idea if it seems like you cannot deal with stress on your own. He or she can help you identify some of the causes of your stress. The expert can also help you come up with a personalized plan that can assist in minimizing your stressors.

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