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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

Exploring How Your Subconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior

By Maria Fox

While applied and behavioral psychology has proven that behavior can be based on environment and other factors, there is now a new book which indicates various behaviors can also be based on the subconscious. The book, Subliminal: how your subconscious mind rules your behavior by Leonard Mlodinow draws on past work as an author, theoretical physicist and scientist to explain how and why this is the case.

Known mostly for self-help works based in physics, the author and physicist has also been recognized for several groundbreaking discoveries in physics. Mlodinow has been on the staff at Caltech twice in what has become a long and respected career. Whereas, five of Leonard's books have been listed as best sellers by the New York Times.

In addition to these publications, the author's work can also be found in a number of periodicals, newspapers, journals and webzines. Mlodinow has also lectured at universities and other locations around the world. More recently, Mlodinow has appeared on several talk shows on cable, radio, satellite and television including an appearance on ABC's Nightline in which the physicist debated spiritual guru Deepak Chopra.

Leonard was born to holocaust survivors, a father who spent time in a concentration camp and a mother who was housed in a labor camp. General Patton liberated Mlodinow's father in 1945, though it is unclear as to how Leonard's mother was liberated from the labor camp. While the two never knew one another during the holocaust, the couple met in Brooklyn, New York in 1948, fell in love and were married the same year.

Initially having attended Brandeis University in Massachusetts, Leonard dropped out of college in 1972. Upon doing so, Mlodinow traveled to Israel on a work kibbutz. At which time, the young worker and student fell in love with physics. A love which most likely came to pass after having read several books by infamous author and physicist Richard Feyman. For, Feyman's books were the only books in the kibbutz library which were written in the English language.

Upon returning home from Israel, Leonard added physics to a double major of chemistry and math and began work towards a doctoral degree in physics at University California Berkeley. In the process, Mlodinow in preparing a final thesis, worked with Nikos Papanicolaou to develop a new application for problem solving in infinite dimensions. After which, the two discovered that corrections were necessary in order to prove that the world in which humans live is a three dimensional one.

After leaving Berkeley, Leonard obtained a faculty position at Caltech. After which, the young professor went on to receive two fellowships in theoretical physics, one in the United States and another in Germany. Once again receiving the honor and respect the young author and physicist deserved for working so hard as a student as an undergrad, masters and doctoral candidate.

The author and physicist returned to America and Caltech in 2005 as a teacher in math and physics. Mlodinow continued to write while teaching at the institute until 2013 when the author left to write on a full time basis. Since then, Leonard has continued to release additional self-help books, participate in radio talk shows, network, cable and satellite television talk shows and lecture on an ongoing basis.

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