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Steps To Take When Preparing For Spiritual Sermons

By Donna Morgan

A pastor or a religious leader has many responsibilities, for example, preaching, praying for the congregation, among other duties. The main responsibility of a religious leader is to provide divine guidance to people through preaching. Many assume that coming up or preparing a good sermon is an easy task. This is often not the case; most preachers find this process very hectic and tedious. This article gives a guideline on how to come up with perfect Spiritual Sermons for your congregation.

God speaks to people through preachers and missionaries. Thus, the first thing you need to do when preparing what to preach is to spend time in prayer. Prayers will help you connect with God, and you will get inspiration on what to share with your congregation. Pray for guidance and ask God to speak through you.

Reading the bible is important before you preach. Remember that you will be preaching using the bible, so you need to avoid misquoting the bible by reading it carefully. You should read several Bible versions and not one. Different translators translated the different versions of the Bible, so reading a number of the versions will enable you to understand the bible well. Also, some of the translators omit some verses, so reading a number of the versions will enable you to identify such verses.

Great preachers are known to uplift and make their congregation feel encouraged. It is important to have your congregation in mind when you are preparing your homily. Understand what troubles your church members, what they are going through, what they want in life and evaluate their spirituality. This will help you create a sermon that is relevant and make your congregation relate with it.

Make sure that you have points that guide you through the sermon. You want a sermon that is well structured. Have a plan that will lead you from the start to the end. You may prepare a good sermon, but if it lacks structure, then it will not have the right impact. You need to offer a lesson that your audience can easily understand.

You also need to find someone to read through your sermon before you deliver it. Such a person will help you point out ideas which might have been left out. Also, they will help you to remove unnecessary things from the sermon. A critic will help you pinpoint some of the things that may bring tension or misunderstanding. They will also offer advice on the best way to deliver your sermon.

Work on your preaching method. A good homily may be overshadowed by poor preaching skills. A preacher should deliver the sermon in a way that interests and captivates the people. Good preachers use dramatic effects to ensure that the delivery is perfect. These skills take time to learn; therefore, practice more to become perfect. Do a brief preaching in front of a mirror to boost your confidence.

Research on topics you intend to address; read ideas and thoughts of other preachers on those topics so as to get more informed. A good sermon is the one that adds value to the spirituality of your congregation. Strive to make your people understand God, believe in him, and live a Godly life. Ensure that you preach about love, peace, and forgiveness. Encourage your listeners to have faith in God and spread the gospel.

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