How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

Here is a one day menu for all week. At first glance it is very boring to use 
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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

Understanding Nutrigenomic Research, Science And Health Benefits

By Anna Hall

When it comes to healthy living, there are often a number of options to improve overall health and well being. Most often, these include adding or changing a diet or exercise routine and adding vitamins or supplements. Now, there is new Nutrigenomic research focused on how nutrients are absorbed into the body based on a genetic markers which is different in each individual.

As these genomes or genetic markers are different in each person, nutrients can also effect each individual differently. As a result, researchers are now hoping that by creating individualized dietary plans, the world will see better overall health and well-being on a massive scale. While this is the case, there are also those whom denounce this new scientific research. Regardless, individuals looking to improve overall health and well-being may want to consider this as a viable option along with other diet and exercise programs.

Biology is the main focus in the scientific aspect of the research. For, the process relates as to how the biological aspects of the body relates to different foods and supplements. As a result, there are now companies such as GeneticHealing and 23&me which are providing genetic testing this area.

Research in the field works with nutritional science and data collection to reflect foods and supplements which are best absorbed into the body. After which, data collected through scientific research along with testing is used to determine the best diet and nutrition program for each specific individual.

Individuals with scurvy and vitamin deficiencies were the first to be studied in this area. For, scurvy had long been thought related to poor nutrition and health. Whereas, vitamin deficiencies, especially Vitamin D also contribute to a number of health conditions and illnesses.

Most often, the percentage of people needing to test in this area is quite significant. For, as each individual has a different genetic marker, the best diet is going to be one that is custom made based on test results. Testing is highly recommended for individuals on a specific diet, taking supplements or experiencing issues related to malnutrition or vitamin deficiencies.

Some individuals have a very active and high metabolism while others experience a much slower one. In most cases, individuals with a slow metabolism can not digest or process foods properly resulting in a variety of health conditions and illnesses. Whereas, even those with active and high metabolisms may want to undergo testing to assure that the foods and supplements consumed are being absorbed properly to create the best possible results.

For individuals interested in undergoing testing, it is often advised to choose a company which works with all 55 validated SNPs and enzymes. For, each individual has different genetic markers and enzymes. In most cases, it is how the genetic markers and enzymes work together which determines the best foods and supplements for each individual. If self-tests are available in the area, it is important to check with a health care provider before making changes to any diet, exercise or supplemental regiment, especially when taking prescribed or OTC medication.

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