How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

Learning Critical Skills From A Millennial Life Coach

By Brenda Young

The generation known as the Millennials are often thought of as entitled, lazy, and ignorant about many facets of everyday life. People from older generations often believe people in this age category live in their parents' basements and work part-time jobs while spending most of their times playing video games or browsing social media. While these broad characterizations are largely false, it is true that Millennials sometimes struggle with tasks that older generations take for granted. To learn what they need to know, people from this generation may find it helpful to hire a Millennial life coach.

But what do these coaches really do and are they worth hiring for this purpose. Statistically, Millennials are lacking in money management skills, for example. Coaches have proven successful in teaching even the smartest of this generation how to handle basic money management tasks like balancing a checkbook or paying their bills on time. They learn to control their own money so they do not have to rely on their parents.

Their coaches teach them how to balance their checkbooks and set up a schedule by which to pay their monthly bills. If their rent is due on the first of each month, for example, people learn to set aside money from the last of the month with which to pay their rent. Likewise, if their utilities are due during the middle of each month, they learn to use their first paycheck each month to satisfy these expenses.

Saving money can be particular important for Millennials. They are statistically behind Generation X when it comes to putting up savings for retirement or emergency purposes. Moreover, the concept of saving 10 percent of what they earn is entirely foreign to many of them. Coaches instruct them on the finer points of saving cash.

In fact, some coaches have their students open IRAs, 401k accounts, or savings accounts at their bank. Once these accounts are open, students then take 10 percent of their earnings each pay period and put it into them. They learn in a short period of time that the funds will come in useful during emergencies and for later use such as when they retire and are no longer able to work.

People of the generation are also relatively ignorant about investing. They figure investing is for people who make large sums of money or wealthy individuals who come from old money families. The idea of opening an investment account frightens some of them because of how difficult it seems.

Their coaches show them the basics of opening an account, finding stocks to invest in, and selling or buying new stocks as the market fluctuates. They can often achieve this without hiring a stockbroker to handle their accounts for them. There are websites set up for this purpose.

By hiring the services of a life coach, people of the Millennial generation conquer some of the biggest challenges that come with being independent. They eventually go on to live independent lives. They also shed the reputation that comes with their generation of being lazy and not ready to venture out on their own.

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