How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

The Tabernacle Baptist Church Washington DC Is An Integral Part Of The Christian Faith

By Pamela Scott

There is no religion like Christianity. Actually, Christianity has made the world to be a better place. The United States of America is a very Christian nation. That is why it is the most prosperous country in the world. America was founded on Christian foundations. Up to the present day, America is still firmly grounded in Christianity. That will not end any time soon. It will remain the case till the end of time. When talking about Christianity, millions of Americans usually think of the great Tabernacle Baptist Church Washington DC. This is a Christian faith in every sense.

The Baptist Church is Bible based. Whenever there is a Baptist service, there will always be a Bible at the pulpit from where the pastor will deliver the message of the day. Every believer needs to carry a Bible when he is attending service. Doing so shows that one cares about the matters of faith. Being a joker is bad.

The Bible is true. Scripture is also holy and inspired. Heaven and earth will pass away. However, no single word of scripture will pass without being fulfilled fully. That is the truth. It is the reality that every Christian should believe in. It all started with the Old Testament. The new covenant is represented by the New Testament of scripture.

As a Christian believer of Baptist Church, there are a number of things that one has to do as relates to matters of the faith. One will need to live a moral life. Christianity is all about moral living. That is the reason why there are the Ten Commandments that were given to the children of Israel during the exodus from the land of Egypt.

Sin is a bad thing. It is the reason why there is all the suffering in the world. Sin stems from the evil of human heart. Luckily, there is a path out of sin and into a life of righteousness. The religion of Christianity promises the forgiveness of sins free of charge to everyone who believes the good message.

Baptism will facilitate the cleansing of sin. One will enter the water as a sinner and will come out of it as a new creature. As a matter of fact, water baptism should be the order of the day. This should happen in a river or a lake. The water will first need to be blessed.

After baptism, there is the need to turn away from sin and embrace a new life of righteousness. This is the kind of life that will guarantee a good life on earth and also an amazing afterlife. The baptism process should be preceded by the repentance of all sins that have been done in the present day life by a person.

A true Baptist will easily be noticed by his righteousness. A believer needs to be the light and salt of the world. There is no one who can light a lamp and place it under a chair. He will instead place it on a table so that the lamp can light the room. When salt loses its saltiness it is no longer worthy but to be trampled under feet.

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