How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

Here is a one day menu for all week. At first glance it is very boring to use 
the same menu for the whole week, but believe me, after first results it will 
become your favourite menu.
How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

Break The Fear Of Public Speaking

By David A. Gonzalez

Speaking in public is at the top of the list! A normal physical reaction to having to speak in public is a release of adrenaline and cortisol into your system.Even experienced speakers feel their heart thumping very excitedly indeed. This astounding reaction to speaking in public is certainly not only felt by novices, even some of the great professional actors and entertainers suffer with real physical sickness before they take to the stage or podium.

You are not alone. Speaking in public is truly scary for most people, including many whom outwardly seem very composed. Our brain shuts down normal functions as the 'fight or flight' impulse takes over.Presentations skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life. Effective presentations and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience.

I had to speak for at least sixty seconds, but every second felt like a minute. Time seemed to slow down as my normally sexy voice came out in a quivering squeak! I searched my audience faces for any evidence that would indicate what they were thinking about me. How could I, great conqueror of all, be reduced to a pipsqueak in a mere moment?!Definition of pipsqueak - A person considered to be insignificant.Luckily enough the basic facts that were required for this mini introduction speech was ingrown knowledge. Just when I thought it was all over the teacher asked me to tell the class something interesting about myself. All of a sudden with cheeks quivering, butt shaking, and eyes widened by fear I became the most boring person in the class. I just could not remember anything!

As I headed back to my seat I dared not look at any faces. I kept my eyes on my seat of solace as if it were an endearing lover.Because of reports from my friends I know for a fact that I'm one of the most retarded Public Speaking Anxiety Sufferers.And it had been a long time since I had been in a public speaking situation it was the most uncomfortable moment I had experienced in a long while.As if the anxiety itself weren't bad enough, after an embarrassing moment like that I would then suffer though the emotional pain afterward. To present myself like that to an audience completely misrepresented my identity: That wasn't me up there!As I sat in my seat of solace I considered what would be the lifelong impact of inflicting these emotional wounds on my psyche for the rest of the semester. This was the moment that changed everything.

On another occasion a few years later I was a member of a public speaking club that met weekly. We used up a lot of time that night discussing our annual party for spouses and friends we wanted to invite. The discussion finally came down to what beverages would be served. Coffee, of course, was on the agenda and why it took over a half hour merely to discuss coffee I'm about to tell you because what happened is another of those unforgettable images etched in my mind thanks to Mr. O.For nearly fifteen minutes he gave an impassioned speech about why we needed to rent special coffee urinals, instead of urns, and yes our budget was tight, but he felt so strongly that we needed to splurge and rent coffee urinals that well, we were laughing so hard, we let him go on and on about coffee urinals longer than decorum should have permitted. My ribs ached for a week and we're lucky no one laughed so hard an emergency vehicle had to be called to cart them off to the emergency room of the nearby local hospital.

Despite the terror you experience in front of an audience you can become a confident public speaker. You can experience the same freedom and normalcy that you feel when talking to your friends in front of an audience. So please, my friend, do not miss out of life or suffer a life of ruin because of fear of public speaking. There is no joy there.The fear of public speaking is one of life's most stressful experiences. It is not uncommon for people to be utterly terrified of public speaking to a crowd. A number of individuals would rather fall dead than walk up on a stage and address a gathering. In fact, it needn't even be a gathering. For some people, even the concept of a thousand people being able to hear or see them speak, either by means of the radio or through television, can make them break out in a cold sweat.

Such public speaking phobias are closely associated with the kind of panic attacks they are known to cause. As is well known, any sort of intense nervousness might become the reason for a panic attack. Phobias such as public speaking phobia (closely associated with Agoraphobia, or the fear of crowded places) therefore often act as triggers for such attacks.It is often wrongly perceived that the fear of public speaking is restricted to situations where the affected party needs to address a crowd of unknown people. Not quite so. On a number of occasions, it has been observed that these individuals are also equally unequipped to speak in a board meeting or in a presentation where, technically speaking, they are addressing a far smaller and known group of people.

Here are a few public speaking tips, and only a few of many, I've picked up throughout the years. There are basically four parts to a speech:The introduction. It should be tailored to the audience you're facing and each audience, in different cities, will not be the same as the one you've just spoken to. Your task is to create interest, from the beginning, so your audience will want to listen to what you're about to say. Your introductory remarks can help you establish a common ground with them and to, hopefully, gain their favor.Your specific purpose statement,short, sweet, brief; it's the road sign that tells your audience what this speech is about and why you're giving it. Like the center beam of a home, your specific purpose statement should be firmly planted and from it you build a logical framework for the central structure or body of your speech that's yet to come. Your specific purpose statement is designed "to build a bridge from the heart of your purpose to the little island of your audience's interests," is the way a writer once phrased it.

The body of your speech,you organize your examples, quotes, facts, and statistics toward the response you desire. The body is where you present your points and proofs, making sure they all connect and move forward and connect to your concluding remarks.The conclusion of your speech is, I believe, one of its more strategic elements. If well-handled it will be remembered and you will leave your audience with a lasting impression.

As explained, almost everyone who is afraid of speaking in public is ultimately scared of being unable to do so, therefore the easiest way of making them 'un-afraid' is by diverting their mind from their apprehension. A number of people use a click pen or a paper clip to keep themselves occupied during a speech. Keep clicking the pen or keep trying to straighten the paper clip and all that extra energy that your anxiety burdens you with will fly straight out of the window.

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