How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

Why A Weight Loss Coach

By Aurelie Appasamy

Hey let me ask you something. Do you have a personal trainer who is awesome, you have been training with this PT for a while now, you notice that you are making some progress, but for some reason you just aren't as motivated as you used to be and you just keep cancelling sessions. Or your PT has taught you all about the benefits of exercise and clean eating guidelines but you just cannot stick to the eating plan. Or you just cannot get over those food cravings and end up sabotaging your hard work at the gym? Or perhaps you have seek professional advice from a trained nutritionist who has laid out an eating plan for you but you just cannot stick to the program. You know that you aren't getting the results that you want and you won't unless your nutrition is right and you struggle with motivation. Your PT tries to motivate you but deep down you know that it's a constant struggle to make it to the gym. Or do you feel guilty or frustrated about not being able to stick to your eating program? One last thing, how is your PT or nutritionist helping your or supporting you though those challenges and most importantly is it working? A personal trainer is trained in fitness and a nutritionist in nutrition. Neither of those guys are actually trained in human behaviour and mindset. But a trained life coach such as Aurelie Appasamy is. Aurelie is a holistic weight loss coach and mindset specialist for weight loss. Aurelie is trained in human behaviour and understands how the mind works. Her specialty is to assist individuals overcome self-sabotage! Self-sabotage is indeed the reason why many people fail on their weight loss journey and without the right help from a weight loss coach many people fail despite the help of a personal trainer or nutritionist.

As a former fitness model, Aurelie has been involved in the weight loss industry and unfortunately currently the system is incomplete. There are three pillars to weight loss. First is nutrition, Second is exercise and third is the mindset. Unfortunately the conventional weight loss system only focuses on nutrition and exercise which is why that approach often provides poor results or the results obtained are sustainable. The mindset is indeed the most important thing not just in order to succeed but to also maintain that success. There is a misconception that having the right mindset is only a matter of staying positive. But that isn't true. In order to create the right state of mind for success you must first obtain a very high level of self-awareness which includes examining your deepest desires, fears, your underlying motivators, your values, the meaning you have assigned to past events. A weight loss coach can help you with the above so that you can finally gain more clarity around your own behaviours.

A weight loss coach takes a rather holistic approach to weight loss. We are holistic individuals.

Did you know that struggling with your weight often has nothing to do with your health or weight problem itself but often there are underlying causes that either stems from other areas of your life or from childhood. Your struggle with emotional eating for example could be pointing towards an unfulfilled career, needs not being met in your relationships, frustrations with friendships, rejection and loneliness, confusion about your career, job insecurities, lack of excitement and fun. There are many different things that could be causing you to struggle with your weight and a weight loss coach will help you explore your life map in order to identify those root causes. As a result you will see improvement in your health as well as in your family, relationships, career and finances.

There are a few differences between life coaching and therapy, counseling and advising. Many professionals such as personal trainers and nutritionist tend to take an advising role as they are going to give you expert professional advice on nutrition and exercise. However a weight loss coach does very little advising. A weight loss coach rather will work with you and ask you questions to explore your own goals, motives emotional barriers and will equip you with mindset tools to take action and succeed. Therapy on the other had tends to focus on past events or past traumatic events and has a healing component to it. Therapy isn't goal or outcome orientated but is useful in dealing with past traumatic events that may have been stored and are affecting your ability to deal with life. Coaching on the other hand has some healing components but mostly focus on goals and is outcome focused. Coaching is designed to help you set realistic goals and overcome the barriers or obstacles that gets in your way.

A good life coach is compassionate. Understanding human behavior is a very useful tool in adopting a compassionate approach to weight loss. This is an area that unfortunately many weight loss professionals lack. For instance you personal trainer may not comprehend why you self sabotage? Why you struggle so much to follow your eating plan, why you lack the drive or incentive to exercise, why you are not consistent with your routine. And this is also why there are so many common myths in the weight loss industry. For example, if you aren't motivated to go to the gym then it is assumed that you are lazy. Of course this isn't necessarily the truth as there are certainly underlying causes to every behavior. A weight loss coach is trained and capable of helping you gain better understanding of yourself and raise your self-awareness

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