How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

With Spiritual Awakening A Need For Self Betterment Also Awakes

By Mark Moore

Modern life can be complicated, stressful and demanding. Many people struggle to cope. They gradually become dissatisfied with their lives and they start wondering what the meaning of it all is. They find that material things no longer satisfy them. In this manner many people gradually develop a deep need for inner peace, for personal growth, for understanding and for comfort. They experience a spiritual awakening and they start seeking ways in which they can satisfy their inner needs.

Even when mankind was a primitive being he believed that he possesses a soul, an inner true self that has needs much different from those of his physical body. Man recognized the fact that he needs to take steps to feed the needs of his soul. This is where priests, prophets, gurus and many other professions originated. These individuals believed that they knew exactly what it is that man needs to satisfy the needs of his soul and sometimes they even enforced their beliefs forcibly.

Religion has always been one of the most popular ways in which people satisfy their inner needs. Most religions appeal to people because they believe in a supreme creator that is in charge of the entire universe and they believe that there is life after the life on earth. To most people, this is a comforting doctrine and the discipline imposed by the various churches have always served an important role in the shaping of society as a whole.

While religion is normally practised in congregations, many people prefer to satisfy their needs in an individual, private manner. They feed their souls and achieve inner growth by practising yoga or meditation. They can do this in the privacy of their own homes but if they feel the need for interaction with like minded people they can always join a group or class.

Some people experience discontent and a vague desire to change, to improve and to find a deeper meaning in life. Their problem is that they often do not know exactly what it is that they are looking for or where or how to find it. Perhaps that is why their has been such a boom in the life coach industry. Coaches lure clients by promising them that they will help them to identify their needs and steer them towards personal development.

A lot of people believe that personal development and happiness can only be achieved if they serve others. They find contentment by being active in charitable work. By serving others and by recognizing the needs of others they experience a feeling of personal worth and even a form of holiness. They believe that their unselfish acts will be richly rewarded when the time comes.

All people are unique and therefore have unique needs, preferences and wants. It is only natural, then, that if some people find fulfilment in a specific area, such as religion, it will not necessarily satisfy the needs of everyone. It may be necessary to experiment and to try different disciplines before discovering the best path towards personal growth and inner fulfilment.

Mankind is inventive and inquisitive. It is not strange that so many people are seeking for a deeper meaning in life. Man certainly had the right to live life to the fullest and to experience everything life has to offer.

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