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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

Attracting Love With The Law Of Attraction On Valentine's Day

By Babet Koolwijk

As often as I get asked questions on how to attract a committed relationship, I get asked about the problems and issues that stand in the way of attracting lasting love.That is the crux of the issue. Let me explain. You may now understand that the Universe is an intention fulfillment machine. It matches and mirrors back the thoughts and emotions you're transmitting. The Universe is conscious of you and all that operates under the energy management system known as the Law of Attraction.

Desire and Desperation - You need to let go of the desperation,While desire is a sacred energy, an energy of creation, desperation is just the opposite, a destructive energy. When desire is unfulfilled the void is taken over by desperation. While desire is a pure and good energy, desperation is a powerful negative energy. Desire creates those vibes in you to attract, desperation creates just the opposite vibes, to repel. When you fell in love with that special person, the sacred seed of desire was sown in you. Due to whatever reasons when that desire was unfulfilled desperation crept in. So the first step is remove that desperation. Clear all desperation.

How to clear desperation? The easiest way to clear desperation is to let go. Surrender to the light of divine love of the Universe. Imagine a beautiful light of divine love, a pure radiant love light. Just surrender to that beautiful sparkling light. That light created you, gave you everything that you possess, and that light simply loves you, no matter what you have done so far. That light is forgiving, 100% pure love and powerful enough to create a beautiful reality beyond your wildest imagination. When you fell in love that light was silently telling you what to do, only if you listened. So let go of everything, surrender and start anew. Today submit yourself to that divine light and affirm to yourself you let go, you surrender and you allow that Divine Light to create a bright future, a bright love life for you. You accept the divine will because the divine will make your life far happier than you can imagine.

Be open. Let the Universe surprise you. Often the relationships of a lifetime form in ways you never would have expected. Connect with your internal guidance (emotions, gut feelings, intuition) and respect that guidance. It won't steer you wrong.Love yourself the way you want to be loved. Our most important relationship in life is the one we have with ourselves, yet we rarely give this the attention it deserves. Every other relationship in our life is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. For that reason (and also just because it feels good), treat yourself the way you want to be treated. Say and do nice things for yourself. When you're good to you, others will be too!

Love others the way you want to be loved. To create strong vibrational alignment with the relationship you desire, love others the way you want to be loved. Unconditionally, without reservation, openly - however it is you want to be loved - offer it to someone else. It's another powerful way to create alignment, and guess what - it feels good too! Finally, let go of what's not working in your life. In order for good things to happen (like getting the love life you want), you have to feel good. Eliminate what's bringing you down; stop putting up with the things you're tolerating. Whether it's a job, bad habit, apartment, relationship - whatever doesn't feel good needs to be remedied. Creating a vacuum in your life allows the Universe to fill it with something better. This action item alone can open the window of opportunity that allows an avalanche of good things to come your way!

While the above techniques were to get you out of your pit of desperate feelings and make you feel like a winner so that positive thoughts and feelings came and made you realize whether you wanted that person because of love or because you wanted to satisfy your ego. In many cases the desperation to get back isn't because of love but because of a sense of conquest. So now you know in your heart whether you truly love the other person or not. If its love go forward else just allow the Universe to deliver the best vibrational match for you.

An individual would probably say it was not yet my moment in time, however, when I arrived single in my latter thirties, I started to get quite a bit concerned. Why didn't a vision board help me? Why did all those affirmations not get me companionship? I was tired of looking at the hot pink hat directly opposite the entrance to my empty bedroom, as per the Feng Shui manifesting guide I was using.Suddenly I had a lucky opportunity. I had been whining to my sympathetic sister about how lonesome I was. A friend of hers had left in her possession a simple love spell. She said she would send it to me if I wanted it. She did not need it since she currently had a boyfriend.

Since I had digested every last relationship publication I could find, made sure each and every social event I attended was geared to acquiring love, learned country dancing, obtained cosmetic surgery, hired a "find your soul mate" coach, attended a "Getting Love After 35" course, I really had exhausted most every traditional method I could find to acquire love.I figured, "What exactly do I have to lose?" In just one week I had the relationship candle magic ritual in my hands and ignited it.The first thing that happened was I relaxed. I decided if this thing was going to work, I would put it to the test. Therefore, I quit venturing out on Friday nights to destinations where I could meet a love interest. Instead I went out with a handful of individuals from the job for a beer at a neighborhood pub.That day, 10 days after doing the love spell, like magic I met a guy who became my significant other for the next eight years!

I think that's why people struggle for the best house, the best clothes, the best car, the best body---because there's something missing on the inside.Having all these material things are great---but if you seek them to fill the hole inside, you'll find that hole is really a black hole that continually consumes everything around you. It affects and warps the energy field of everything in your life.There's only one thing that fills the black hole within and it is self-love. There's no magic pill you can take that can fix it, but if you pay attention, apply your consciousness and start to love yourself first, watch out, because your life will change for the better.

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