How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

Here is a one day menu for all week. At first glance it is very boring to use 
the same menu for the whole week, but believe me, after first results it will 
become your favourite menu.
How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

Rape Doesnt Define Me At All

By Larry Johnson

The most traumatic, stressful and worrying memory for anyone could be something which is very disturbing for their soul and rape is one of the traumatic situations. Its not easy to discuss this issue but you have to keep believing that no matter what happened or how bad it was, but still rape doesnt define me otherwise the whole perspective will change.

Its not a good thing to live your life in fear and just keep regretting why such thing happened to you. There is possibility that everything would get better provided you are willing to change your life for good.

This is a true story of a girl and after that incident she started avoiding going in campus dining halls and gym because that person used to be there and she wanted to avoid him as much as she could. Her life was just revolving around how to avoid that assaulter and she started to compromise her schedules and quality because of that person. After she got raped she was unable to trust men around her.

There comes a time when you start blaming yourself for everything that happened to you. You would avoid to face the same individual again at any cost which in return makes you feel more depressed, lonely and sad. Keep remembering it was not something you wanted to happen at all.

There was a time when she cut off from the outer world and it was that time when she realized she has to get back to normal life and all of this should get ended now. Because you cannot give anyone permission to take control over you life and make it worse for you.

During that time, she worked on herself and was back to live her life. You should not give permission to others to control your life for you and its important to try to get back to normal as soon as possible otherwise more complication arises. You have to face your assaulter and look them back straight into their eyes to make them aware that you're not scared of them anymore.

That was the time when she finally decided to help other victims who were going through this situation because it gave her feeling that by helping others she can actually take revenge from her assaulter and showing him that her life has not stopped because of this incident and she isn't a weak person.

One you get that realization, there re lots of thing that you can do and one of them is to start helping as many people as possible who have gone through the same tragedy. It is a traumatic situation but you have to keep yourself together and get over it as soon as your can. All you need is to build trust within yourself and you should take a stand for yourself and things will get better with time rape and i can say that my rape doesn't define me.

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