How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week?

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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

A Review Of Bob Proctor's Program "the Science Of Getting Rich"

By Delany Kuijstermans

I read the little book that inspired the successful book and movie "The Secret" called "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. It reminded me of the Universal Principles I learned decades ago. The book doesn't get into details of why the principles work. Instead, it is an application manual. How cool is that?

Besides some having slight changes of title, most, if not all of these edited and/or revised versions contain changes in the wording of the original book by Wallace D. Wattles ranging from minor to major in a so-called attempt to "modernize" and/or make it more "readable".

The author of the book begins with a discussion of humanity's right to be rich. Material wealth can be a means of living a fuller, more successful and therefore, more productive life. To earn a living doing what one loves is everyone's dream. However, most of us learn "it doesn't work that way". Those who believe "the rich get richer when the poor get poorer" contribute to the accuracy of that belief in their lives and the lives of those whom they influence. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Material wealth can contribute to the betterment of the world. It is our right and obligation to be wealthy. The author explains that there is a science to getting rich; a procedure that if followed properly, works every time. He calls it doing things a "Certain Way". Credentials, talent, money, personal contacts and skill are not necessary to acquire material wealth. Look around. Most everyone has heard of people who succeed against all odds and predictions. They do things a Certain Way.

I'm just like everyone else out there in a way. I have my own hurdles like the rest, but"living" this material provides the light at the end of the tunnel when the going gets tough. One huge benefit, as this program shows is "you get what you feel". No matter what I encounter now I understand I had a part in bringing it toward myself -good or not so good. I know 'where things come from now" and you know what, a lot more good things come than bad now. That's through practicing what I learned. And making feeling good a habit. I'll repeat that. If you make feeling good a habit and practice it long enough, you'll have the ability to spring out of bed each day like when you were a kid, and feel great almost all the time, no matter what is going on in your life. A lot of things we do in life are simply habits, period. You have the choice of practicing habits that help you or hurt you. Your choice. You get back what you are feeling. It works. Ever notice what comes back when you think rotten, depressing, angry, or anxious thoughts? And how quick they come? Thats power! You'll attract every circumstance, feeling, person etc. Into your life that matches these thoughts simply because that's how creation works. Ever attracted anything good when you're thinking that way? That's because it's not possible. Thoughts and feelings are the most powerful things in existence and science has proven this long ago. Everything ever created started first as a thought.Bob Proctor is known as the Master on this, and The Science of Getting Rich will teach you how you can use the phenomenal power of YOUR thoughts, through knowledge passed through the centuries to achieve anything you desire.

Ben Hogan, The best golfer in the world many times running:Early in his career was involved in a head on collision with a bus. Expected not to live on arrival at the hospital. He did. The best doctors in the country were flown in to save his life. When he did survive, it was the opinion of all he would never walk again. That was not Ben's opinion, however, and he asked that his golf clubs be brought into the room where he could see them as he would be using them again. He was advised not to expect this as would only become dissapointed and depressed. One year later he was the world's best golfer again.You get what you expect. You get what you put your power of thought into. Do you think that was easy for him? Not likely, but he believed. What he could see in his mind, he could hold in his hand. There was no possibility of otherwise when he focused his thought only on what he wanted. Not on what he didn't want, which would have brought him exactly that. He could not allow it.

As with most books on success and wealth-building, it is not about acquiring things or money. It is about changing our insides to become the person we need to be for long-term (not short-term) wealth. It is about transforming your mind into becoming positive and wealthy so that you can acquire the wealth. Most people would think of getting wealth as from a rich relative, from the lottery, from other sources that we have no control over. Instead, true wealth can only come from those things we have control over such as our mind and body.

Trillions of cells in our bodies perform billions of functions everyday, in harmony with each other. What runs this? What kind of power is looking after this? We can't see the power behind this mind boggling capacity but does that mean there isn't a power behind this? Just because we can't physically see it does that mean it's not affecting us too ? We can't see the Law of gravity can we? Does that mean it doesn't work? Hardly. We can find it does work by taking a look at the results it has upon us. And Bob explains best how the power of our thoughts can be measured in the results in our lives.The greatest minds in Quantam Physics have come to a conclusion after decades of study of matter and physics. One has to keep in mind that these are scientists and live strictly on facts.

"The Science of Getting Rich" is very similar to the classic book by Napoleon Hill entitled, "Think and Grow Rich". Just like Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles was fascinated and made a detail study of those who acquired and became wealthy. They had a different mindset and habits. That mindset and those habits are the difference that made them wealthy. They are discussed in this book.

There are several recent books that talks about attracting wealth. A recent popular book is "The Secret" which is a revised version of "The Science of Getting Rich". "The Secret" is a good book. It even references Wallace Wattles' book. There is no substitution for the original. The original is the concept of acquiring riches in its raw form. It is a matter of practicing the principles outlined in the book.So, if you are serious about self-improvement and becoming the best you can be (e.g. becoming wealthy), you should have this book in your library of success.

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