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How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week? (You Have To READ This Great Article).

What Causes Panic Attacks In Men?

By Ella Quinn

One of the main symptoms of Panic attacks is a sudden shortness of breath, you may experience in your heart area as well. This will also lead to an extreme feeling of fear and anxiety. These symptoms can be traumatic and very stressful for the individual. The first panic attack experience is usually the worst can have a long lasting psychlogical impact on the individual. The actual symptoms of a panic attack will vary depending on the individual.

Separation and school phobia.Sometimes, children develop certain phobias when they reach a certain age. One of the most common is a phobia of going to school. Experts have not been able to pinpoint the exact reason for this condition. Some children even become excessively afraid and aggressive when faced with the prospect of going off to school.

A child feigns sickness and looks for every excuse for not going to school. There is a definite co-relation between school phobia and separation anxiety. This is because children are hit with the insecurity of leaving the secure environment of their home.Stress-related anxiety.One of the most common causes of panic attacks in children is stress. Stress is linked to anxiety attacks and may be because of heavy responsibilities at home and in school. This also includes unfinished tasks, physical and psychological abuse, a school bully, environment that is unfit for the child's age, violence, etc.

The second cause of anxiety and panic attacks is the immediate perception accompanied by physical symptoms triggered by years of ongoing thoughts to actually cause a panic or anxiety attack.Once you have your first panic attack its much easier to keep having them since you become fearful of the panic attack and its symptoms itself. In laymen terms you start to fear, fear itself, causing the mental triggers that can escalate your feelings and thought processes.

Many parents attempt to reassure their children so they do not have to face uncertainties. It is these uncertainties that cause panic and anxiety issues. Parents who spend more time reassuring and validating their children report that their children have fewer panic attacks. It is also recommended that parents monitor that their children read and watch. Sometimes what they read watch (including the video games they play) can cause panic attacks.

When you are constantly tired and run down your body is in a consistent nervous state. You can never truly relax or calm down due to the fact that you are never truly rested. When this happens. this nervous energy eventually manifests itself as panic and anxiety.

Being nervous and jittery really confuses your body and mind. Eventually these feelings become more and more pronounced. then they become what causes panic attacks. When these feelings build up to the point where they become physical symptoms they cause the person experiencing them a lot of confusion and fear.

The disorder is not really life threatening if you look at it from the medical perspective, but it could definitely ruin how you live your life in general. This is probably because the attacks are sudden and most often unexpected; one minute you are having coffee with some friends and on the next you are hyperventilating. Furthermore, the symptoms are very uncomfortable that every attack seems to be a traumatizing experience.

Now that you have an overview of what this disorder is it is time to discuss what causes panic attacks. There are countless of reasons why you have this disorder but there are few that prevail. One of these causes is heredity. Unfortunately for the keen of those who developed this disorder, it can be passed on from one generation to the next.Another probable cause is the way you see things or deal with your problems. If you are the kind of person who thinks keeping your negative emotions bottled up is a better idea than confronting anyone, then you are at risk for developing this disorder. Yes, those bottled up emotions may well escalate to panic or anxiety attacks.

Substance abuse.Using prohibited drugs can lead to an overactive imagination which can give rise to unfounded fears. This is one of the common panic attacks causes among substance abusers. Patients taking drugs can imagine they are being attacked by monsters and they start to feel the symptoms of panic attack.Obsessive-compulsive disorder.A person who is classified as OC can feel the symptoms of panic attack whenever he perceives that something is not right. If you are so obsessed with safety then you can suddenly wake up at night with panic attacks, worrying that you have not locked your door when in reality you have already checked your locks ten times that night.There are many panic attacks causes and to beat them you have to know what specific cause triggers your panic attack. By knowing this you will be in a better position to deal with your fears and you will be able to control your anxiety.

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